Newfoundland Pictures

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Newfoundland Pictures



What a wnredoful story on a wnredoful man. I have known him also for many years.Such an inspiration to me and my parents and Grandparents.I actually babysat his grandson at one time. A person was always welcomed in their home. No matter how much time you had Neta and Clar always wanted you to have tea and a snack when you visited. I remember when my Mom was sick there was many a day when Clar or Neta would phone to see if she needed anything. Also there were many baked goods brought to my Mom. They were wnredoful to her and my Dad.God Bless you Clar! I think of you guys often.


Clarence Riggs is a person I love & rsecept. He was my teacher during my first years of schooling and very wonderful happy years I might add. Sunday the school would become the church and he would have the service for that week . Christmas he would have the school concerts and parties . Often during the school year luncheon & soup suppers were held for fund raisers , he would be the entertainment…playing the guitar and singing. He had a lovely booming voice to us children. His wife Neata Stroud Riggs was a cousin of my father , whom we all adored and rsecepted ; a lady in all true sense of the word . At a glance you would think, ” who is that beautiful lady with her hat and pleasant smiling face. I never saw her in public without wearing a hat or beret . They are both very, very rseceptable , and loved by all who have come in contact with them. May God bless them both .

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