Cesky Fousek

Average: 3.2 (6 votes)

The breed was the most widely kept wire-haired pointing breed, in modern day Czech and Slovakian Republics, during the time before WWI. The large, very energetic Cesky Fousek weighs between 48 and 75 pounds and stands at 22 to 26 inches tall. The breed does best with a large fenced back yard, and an extremely active family, whereas escaping and becoming destructive becomes an issue if the breed does not receive enough exercise.




las vistas panore1mcias del peublo medieval Written by Jose9 Luis on October 26th, 2011Una de las excursiones me1s recomendables desde Praga, en la Repfablica Checa, es el peublo medieval de Cesky Krumlov.a0Y, sin duda, es una

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