Golden Retriever

Average: 4.9 (12 votes)

This breed of retriever originated in Scotland in the late 1800s and was used mostly for hunting. The eagerness and pleasing attitude makes the Golden Retriever one of the most popular breeds according to AKC Registration Statistics. Also used for search and rescue, this medium sized dog weighs 55 to 75 pounds and stands at 20 to 24 inches tall. This particular breed can adapt to many living environments, but requires daily exercise.




Golden Retrievers are great dogs also! Mine is very loving, plays well with kids and gets along great with my German Shepherd.


we just gotta goldie pup beatuiful, just beautiful

ChriStian is playing poker!

Our golden retriever is to playful and she loves to jump every time we meet.


A well bred Golden is the best family dog ever. We have several and all of them adore children and get along well with other animals. We have one who when she wants to go out as we're going to open the door, she dashes to where our ancient Berger Picard cross likes to hang out in our media room, noses the old girl and takes her out to join her for a nose around the farm. Even if the media room door is closed, this Golden will open it if she knows the older dog is in there and she will open it to reach her and invite her to go along on the outing.


Golden retrievers are my dream dog!!!!

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